Pomsky with Passion (GER)
Pomsky with Passion is a hobby breed from Munich. The two dog ladies Jenna and Joy form the basis of the Pomsky-breeding which exists since 2019.
The puppies will be delivered completely vaccinated and chipped and may move into their new home with a small starter package. The breeders plan with 1-2 litters per year.

Information about “Pomsky with Passion”
The breeding consists of the breeders Torry and Holger and their beautiful pomsky-ladies Jenna and Joy in Bavaria, Germany.
Address of the kennel “Pomsky with Passion”
81369 Munich
Bavaria, Germany (GER)
website: https://www.pomskywithpassion.de/
You can find the most beautiful pictures of cute pomsky puppies in our gallery.
A greeting from the breeders of “Pomsky with Passion
“Pomsky with Passion” is our lovers’ kennel in beautiful Munich. The main focus of our hobby breeding is to produce balanced, robust, healthy and typeful Pomskys in a harmonious overall appearance with strong build and gentle character as a family dog. Breeding is our passion and therefore a family matter & matter of the heart! Getting to know each other beforehand is essential for us, only then I can select the new families according to the character and suitability of the dog. Our puppies are dewormed, chipped and vaccinated several times and are delivered with the 8th week of life. Upon delivery they receive a puppy brooch and an EU pet passport. Through my training as a dog trainer I am able to build up the breeding on the highest scientific level and expertise. Of course, we will be at your disposal with advice and support at any time after moving out – and that for the whole life of your dog!”
Many thanks for this little insight to Torry 🙂
Hier gehts zur Züchterliste mit weiteren Pomsky-Züchtern aus aller Welt.